30 Anointed Smith Wigglesworth Quotes to Revitalize Your Walk with God

Smith Wigglesworth was a powerful evangelist and healer who lived in the early 20th century.
Known for his strong faith and miraculous healing ministry, Wigglesworth’s teachings and writings have continued to inspire Christians around the world.
In this article, we’ll be exploring some of his most impactful quotes that can help revitalize your walk with God. We’ll also be recommending some of his popular books for those who want to dive deeper into his teachings. Let’s begin!
30 Anointed Smith Wigglesworth Quotes to Revitalize Your Walk with God.
1. “God’s faithfulness is the rock upon which our faith is built.”
2. “Faith is not about what we can see, but about what we believe.”
3. “We need to have a daily encounter with God in order to live a victorious life.”
4. “The greater the difficulty, the greater the opportunity for God to demonstrate His power.”
5. “We should always be ready to give an account of what God has done in our lives.”
6. “God’s love is not limited by our circumstances or our failures.”
7. “The Holy Spirit is the key to living a life of power and victory.”
8. “The Word of God is our weapon against the enemy.”
9. “God’s grace is sufficient for every need and every circumstance.”
10. “We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit in order to be effective in our ministry.”
11. “The power of prayer is not in the words we speak, but in the faith with which we pray.”
12. “We need to have a hunger for God in order to experience His presence and power.”
13. “God is no respecter of persons, and He can use anyone who is willing to be used.”
14. “Faith without works is dead, and works without faith are just empty deeds.”
15. “We should always be seeking to grow in our relationship with God.”
16. “God’s promises are true, and we can trust in His faithfulness.”
17. “We need to be bold and courageous in our faith and in our witness.”
18. “The Holy Spirit will guide us and lead us into all truth.”
19. “We need to be willing to lay down our own desires and ambitions in order to follow God’s plan for our lives.”
20. “God’s power is not limited by our circumstances or our weaknesses.”
21. “We should always be seeking to glorify God in everything we do.”
22. “The Word of God is our source of strength and encouragement.”
23. “God’s love is the foundation upon which our faith is built.”
24. “We should always be willing to be used by God in whatever way He sees fit.”
25. “The Holy Spirit will empower us to do things that are beyond our natural ability.”
26. “The more we know God, the more we will trust Him.”
27. “God’s power is available to us when we believe and obey His Word.”
28. “We should always be seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
29. “God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.”
30. “We should always be seeking to walk in obedience to God’s will.”
Recommended Books by Smith Wigglesworth
1. “Ever Increasing Faith”: This book is a compilation of Wigglesworth’s sermons and teachings, focusing on living a life of faith and access to God’s power.
2. “Faith that Prevails”: In this book, Wigglesworth describes the experiences and principles that helped him overcome obstacles and see God’s miraculous power at work.
3. “A Man Who Walked With God”: Smith Wigglesworth was a modern apostle of faith who shook the world with his amazing miracle ministry, but behind the miracles stood a man of character and drive who knew his God.
4. “The Secret of His Power”: This book explores the life of Wigglesworth and how his relationship with God empowered him to perform many miracles and healings.
5. “A Life Ablaze With The Power of God”: Uncover Smith’s intimate relationship with God, how he flowed in God’s supernatural power, and his personal commitment and dedication to God’s Holy Word.